Sabrina Chamberlain, President
Sabrina teamed up with Emily and Margie to start Rosa’s Smile, inspired by the needs of the children Emily had worked with and the visible impact that one person’s investment in their lives could bring about. Sabrina’s desire to serve and honor God authentically and vibrantly is at the heart of her commitment to the vision of Rosa’s Smile. Her family shares this commitment and in 2011, Sabrina, her husband, and her two young children spent two weeks with the children in one of the orphanages near Emily’s home in Peru. Sabrina is a passionate educator and has years of experience working with children in both secular and church settings. Sabrina is a credentialed teacher with a B.A. in Psychology.
A Favorite Quote: "The potential possibilities of any child are the most intriguing and stimulating in all creation." — Ray L. Wilbur
Most Enjoyable Hobby: Camping and hiking.
Fun Fact: Sabrina is left-handed and loves lacrosse
Emily Buescher, Executive Director
Emily, together with Sabrina and Margie, founded Rosa’s Smile after spending a year in 2006 in Peru living in an orphanage and working with children living in a shelter. Emily was moved not only by the needs and vulnerabilities of the children, but also by God’s provision through the outpouring of help from friends and family back home in the States. In 2010, Emily moved to Peru permanently to continue the work with children living in orphanages and shelters. Emily has an Associates of Arts degree and years of experience working with and caring for children. Her passion is to maximize the one childhood and adolescence these children have.
A Favorite Quote: "Children are great imitators. So give them something great to imitate." — Anonymous
Most Enjoyable Hobby: Playing the guitar and worshipping God in song.
Fun Fact: Emily lived in Barcelona, Spain working as an au-pair for a year in 1996.
Holly Mead, Secretary
Holly’s passion for Central and South America started at a very young age, stemming from annual family vacations to Mexico and Costa Rica. In 2006, Holly visited Peru for two weeks and had the opportunity to visit an orphanage, an experience that deeply affected her. After working in the fashion industry for over 12 years, she left her full-time position to have more time for charity work like Rosa’s Smile. Holly feels honored and blessed to be a part of Rosa’s Smile and is excited to see all that God will do. She lives in the Sonoma Wine Country with her husband and two cats.
A Favorite Quote: "Every child you encounter is a divine appointment" — Wess Stafford
Most Enjoyable Hobby: Holly is an artist and has a passion for painting portraits.
Fun Fact: Holly recently bought a banjo and dreams of joining a bluegrass band one day.
Margie Buescher, Co-Founder and Board Member
Margie credits the Lord with her vision of starting what is now Rosa’s Smile. She saw the potential in both the financial and prayer support for the kids that spontaneously erupted from those who knew of Emily’s work with them in Peru. It was Margie’s hope that those giving to the kids in need would be even more blessed in their giving, that their giving would be maximized, and that the encouragement of all involved would be multiplied. Margie is married, has four grown children (including Emily), one grandchild, and is blessed to serve the Lord through Rosa’s Smile.
A Favorite Quote: "For I, the Lord your God, hold your right hand; I am the Lord, who says to you, Fear not; I will help you!" — Isaiah 41:13
Most Enjoyable Hobby: Bodyboarding and collecting sea glass
Fun Fact: Margie's photo is taken at C.S. Lewis' home near Oxford, a very moving experience
Aubri Johnson, Treasurer
Aubri received her degree in Business Administration with a concentration in accounting from Sonoma State University in 1999. She worked in public accounting offices preparing tax returns until 2014. In 2014, she stepped back from her full time career to raise and homeschool her two children. She currently serves as the Treasurer for her daughter’s Girl Scout Troop, in addition to Rosa’s Smile. Aubri has been the bookkeeper for Rosa’s Smile since 2015 and was immediately interested in stepping in as the Treasurer when the opportunity arose. Aubri knew from her friend Holly of the many things that Rosa’s Smile was doing for the orphans in Peru and was eager to be a part of such a great organization. Aubri brings to Rosa’s Smile her experience in accounting and working with nonprofits organizations.
A Favorite Quote:"Forgiveness empties the past of its power to empty the present of its peace." ― L.R. Knost
Most Enjoyable Hobby: Hiking, photography and reading.
Fun Fact: Aubri is cautious but craves adventure. She went sky diving in her early 20s but wrote a will just in case.
Nicole Tomasik, Board Member
In 1999, Nicole and her husband embarked on the rigorous process of building a family through adoption. Their first child was born in Peru and, over the years, they have discussed how they could help disadvantaged Peruvian children in a substantial way. In the summer of 2011, Nicole and her family joined a Rosa’s Smile team and headed to the Andes with the goal of improving the living environment of 45 children and their caregivers. This amazing experience led Nicole to enthusiastically join the Rosa’s Smile family. Nicole is the founder of an award-winning design studio and looks forward to seeing how her creativity and her personal adoption story can further the work of Rosa's Smile. She lives in Marin County with her witty husband and two beloved daughters.
A Favorite Quote: "If you judge people, you have no time to love them." — Mother Teresa
Most Enjoyable Hobby: Nicole loves adventuring with her family.
Fun Fact: Nicole has traveled to over 20 countries.